1st Digital WOW Festival in Pakistan: Unmask

Under the larger theme of “unmask” (while the pandemic ‘masked’ us, it unmasked a range of social and environmental issues, particularly significant to women and girls), WOW Pakistan 2021 explored why women are often at the wrong end of policy, social and institutional choices. While the first year of the pandemic brought to light a lot of areas where women are being left behind, it also showcased incredible things that they have achieved.

With that in mind, the programme covered a diverse range of topics, ranging from conversations around virginity to the landmark repeal of the ‘two finger test’. We looked at the way women in agriculture have a healing energy to how women in fashion and forerunners in STEM fields are thinking about aligning with what the earth now needs from us, with greener and more sustainable practices. Performances and films explored universal women’s issues through an indigenous lens, covering topics from autonomy and agency . There are powerhouse women entertainers whose journey is showcased as well as their talents through their performances. Bites ranged from success stories of women entrepreneurs and writers, to women fighting for change for those with invisible disabilities. Workshops ranged from leadership training to self defense and cyber security, as well as skill-building for content creation and vigilante art.