
Maha Husain

Maha Husain is a legal researcher specialising in climate change law, environmental law, and public international law. She is the Team Lead of the Climate & Environment Initiative (CEI) and a Research Associate at the Research Society of International Law (RSIL). Maha's research explores legal solutions to climate change and environmental issues facing Pakistan and the world, focusing specifically on promoting access to environmental justice and strengthening remedy mechanisms for victims of environmental rights violations
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Panel

Sunday 2nd Feb

Empowered Voices : Young Women Leaders in Climate Action

Location: Hall 2 This conversation will be in Urdu and will focus on connecting with young people who generally dont have access to elite spaces where conversations around climate change take place. This panel will be around climate impact and what can be done to change it on an individual level and will specifically geared towards young people. This will be part of the programme that focuses on how to engage with young people around climate, what we can tell them about personal agency as well as how to build these conversations in their communities. The parameters for who is to do this talk are: Individuals advocating for gender equality and women's empowerment. Individuals and groups working on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Individuals who can influence climate policies and allocate resources.Researchers studying climate change, gender studies, and related fields.