
Durre Nayab

Dr. Durre Nayab is a prominent Pakistani social scientist specialising in social and economic demography. Dr. Nayab’s recent research informs policy and advances understanding of Pakistan’s complex social, economic, gender and institutional challenges. Her work on the demographic dividend is considered seminal work in the area, and started off a whole debate in the country. Dr. Nayab's current work, among other things, focuses on intergenerational economy and quantifying the contribution of the unaccounted work done by females in the country. She has to her credit over 60 national and international publications, and several books on areas of vital importance to the country.
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Panel

Saturday 1st Feb

The Hidden Half-UNFPA

Location: Hall 2 Join Dr.Luay Shabaneh and Dr. Durre Nayab to explore the hidden economic value of women's unpaid work in Pakistan. From household chores to caregiving, these invisible tasks sustain the economy but limit women's access to paid employment. Dr Luay highlights how this makes for missed opportunities for women and girls as Dr. Nayab reveals how quantifying this labour highlights gender disparities and the need for inclusive policies. Discover how recognizing this contribution can drive gender equity and build a more balanced labour market.