
Fizza Tasleem

Fizza, a 30-year-old resident of Abbotabad District, recently completed her master's degree in Urdu. Until the tenth grade, she attended school in person. However, due to physical challenges, she subsequently opted for private examinations for the remainder of her studies. Fizza takes great pride in her social activism, which has significantly boosted her confidence and motivation. She attributes much of her success to her family, and especially her younger brother's unwavering support. He frequently accompanies her on her excursions, ensuring her safety and helping her navigate spaces that may not be fully accessible.

Through the Aawaz II programme, Fizza has become a vocal advocate for PWDs, challenging discriminatory attitudes and practices. Through her advocacy, Fizza has developed strong leadership qualities, and a commitment to creating a more inclusive society. Fizza is now a member of both the District Forum and Special Interest Group (SIG) for PWDs.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Panel

Saturday 1st Feb

Inclusion Matters - Awaaz II

Location: Hall 2 Aawaz II panel discussion will include community leaders and champions who led efforts to bring social change in their communities for reducing harmful practices affecting women and girls. Members of Aawaz II village forums are local volunteers from marginalised groups such as women, religious minorities, persons with disabilities and transgender persons. They often do not have opportunities to be visible and share their achievements and efforts for changing conservative customary practices. WOW Festival will be an exciting platform for community members, from different districts of KP and Punjab, for sharing their stories and experiences with urban, semi urban audience, artists and others.