Warda Rashid Khan
Warda Rashid Khan is a Product Manager by profession. She’s currently working at 7Vals on products related to asset management. Warda has been representing Pakistan in an international platform having been invited to numerous panel discussions hosted by Epic Games and Riot Games(to name a few). She was one of the 8 mentors selected for UEFN Women’s Creator Program and the only mentor from Pakistan. Warda is also an Ambassador of Women in Games for Asia Region as well as the Connect Lead for Pakistani Women in Computing, Lahore Chapter.
SUNDAY Sunday 3rd March
Closing The Digital Divide Gulalai Khan, Sana Shah, Warda Rashid Khan, Faiza Hassan
Location: Hall 1
Women do not enjoy equal access to phones, particularly smartphones and advanced technology. A significant portion of digital communication is centered around social media platforms, which women may have limited access to due to their inability to own smartphones or afford data plans. Utilizing simple SMS messages or telephone recordings, such as call/ring tones or phone tones, can be highly effective for disseminating essential messages on culturally sensitive topics. It is also crucial to consider the societal divisions related to both class and gender, particularly among working-class men and women, when addressing these disparities. In this discussion we will question existing barriers to access to information and alternative ways of dissemination on culturally sensitive topics. We will be joined by policy experts and researchers who will share their insights into how women use technology and form perceptions on information. ( Also casts a quick look at how women share information or in less privileged circumstances have watch-parties/huddles around watching popular memes and viral videos)
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