Sophia Richards

Sophia is a social impact researcher. She has collaborated with esteemed economists and academics at the Institute of Development and Economic Alternatives (IDEAS) in Lahore to study the educational landscape in Pakistan. Her work includes impact evaluation of the DFID funded PESP II program and World Bank’s SMS GIRL:Gender Innovation for Re-Enrollment and Learning Research.Since May 2022, Sophia has been an integral part of Mindstorm Studios, where she led and co-authored pioneering research on the Animation, Games, and Graphics Ecosystem in Pakistan. Sophia is also deeply committed to improving female representation in the games industry and actively works towards this goal through workshops, stakeholder engagement, and digital content development. The “Beyond the Ratio” documentary is a collaborative effort by her and the entire team at Mindstorm Studios to amplify the stories and experiences of women in the games industry as a means to inspire diversity and leadership.

    3:00 - 3:45 PM Film

    SUNDAY Sunday 3rd March

    Screening + Q&A Beyond the Ratio By Mind Storm (10 min)

    Location: Hall 2

    The “Beyond the Ratio” documentary is a creation born out of the “Increasing Women’s Representation in Games” (IWRG) initiative at M-Labs, the development wing of Mindstorm Studios. This initiative aims to foster inclusivity within the local game development industry and ignite female participation in STEM-related careers across Pakistan. In 2023, M-Labs organized a workshop under the IWRG initiative, where women from academia, game development, and the esteemed acting US Consul General Kathleen Gibilisco came together. During this workshop, a critical issue emerged: the scarcity of local female role models. In response, M-Labs created a documentary highlighting women in leadership roles within the game building industry. The overarching objective of this documentary is to inspire young talent to envision themselves as part of this dynamic field and ignite their entrepreneurial spirit. “Beyond the Ratio” is the inaugural installment in a series of short docu-series dedicated to celebrating women in games. In an industry where women constitute less than 17 percent, their resilience, stories, and triumphs extend far beyond mere statistics. The title itself—“Beyond the Ratio”—captures the essence: it’s about grit, determination, and leaving an indelible mark within an ever-evolving landscape.
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