Mariyam Nawaz
Mariyam Nawaz is a communications specialist with almost two decades of work experience in the UN across Asia and Pacific. She is a champion of women's rights and empowerment and have produced various campaigns on women and girls that reached millions of people.
SUNDAY Sunday 3rd March
Can Corporates Create Social Change? Panelists: Mariyum Nawaz and Sammar Sultan. Moderator: Nausheen Ahmad
Location: Hall 1
In recent years corporations have become part of a wave of efforts to change narratives in society that do not permit them to keep up with the times. With single income households a thing of the past and women advocating for greater economic, social and political participation and rights, brands have (rightfully) taken a leaf from activists' notebooks and changed their messaging. From showcasing households in which the division of labor is equitable, women who understand their rights in marriage to the depiction of single, working women or even childfree couples as a positive marker of radically changing times, brands are doing their part in underlining these narratives within advertising and popular media culture. On this panel, two famous Pakistani companies, both woman-led, and an iNGO will discuss how they devise such campaigns and what are their inspirations.