Khusbakht Aleena

Khusbakht Aleena hails from Timargrah, Lower Dir district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. She volunteers with Aawaz II programme of British Council, for behaviour change against harmful practices with her area of reach.

The 23-year-old is committed to promoting social cohesion for the inclusion of her Christian community. As a student, she connects with local youth and other members of the community on the issues of minority rights and child marriage.

Khushbakht provides information to women in the area regarding their legal rights, beside holding discussions with local teachers on the negative impact of child marriage. ‘as a youth leader, I believe that we could be ambassadors of behaviour change to consolidate the efforts against child marriage, exclusion and intolerance’.

    11:00 - 11:45 AM Panel

    SATURDAY Saturday 2nd March

    Young Voices, Youthful Outlook: Contributing To Social Inclusion (Aawaaz)

    Location: Hall 2

    This is a panel discussion by young social mobilisers from rural and peri-urban communities who are contributing to conversations and pushing for change in their communities. It is a look at how through friendship and community building young people are holding space for difficult conversations.
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