Welcome to WOW Pakistan!

Women of the World Festival Pakistan celebrates the extraordinary achievements of Pakistani women from all walks of life. This dynamic festival sheds lights on the contributions of women and girls across various fields and gives them a stage for meaningful and transformative conversations. WOW Pakistan is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community that champions empowerment and equality.

WOW Pakistan

WOW - Women of the World - is a global movement that believes a gender equal world is desirable, possible and urgently required. Founded by Jude Kelly in 2010, when the first WOW Festival took place at Southbank Centre, the WOW Festival celebrates women and girls, and takes a frank look at the obstacles they face. WOW Festivals have taken place across the globe, reaching five million people in-person to date and millions more online. On 1 May 2016, Karachi became the first South Asian city to host a full scale WOW Festival. Since then, there have been 3 more physical festivals in 2017, 2019 and 2023 and 2 digital festivals in 2021 and 2022. The ambition of WOW Pakistan is to create an inclusive and empowering space that pushes at the boundaries of gender conventions. WOW Pakistan continues to have a strong focus on climate change and has been green since 2019. WOW in Pakistan is co-curated by the Entrepreneurship and Community Development Institute (ECDI Pakistan) and Olomopolo Media, in partnership with the British Council.

WOW Global

The WOW Foundation exists to build, convene and sustain a global movement that believes a gender equal world is desirable, possible and urgently required. WOW - Women of the World was founded by Jude Kelly in 2010, when the first WOW Festival took place at Southbank Centre. Since then, WOW Festivals celebrating women and girls, and taking a frank look at the obstacles they face, have taken place across the globe, reaching five million people to date. Through festivals, events, schools programmes and more, WOW challenges the belief that gender equity has already been achieved – and hopes to join the dots between people, movements and ideas to change the world. In 2018 Jude Kelly left her role as Artistic Director of Southbank Centre to focus solely on the development of WOW as an independent charity. The WOW Foundation was established to fulfil WOW’s potential. To date, WOW has staged over 100 festivals and events across six continents, reaching more than five million people. (link to wow website: https://thewowfoundation.com/)








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